The Beast of Averoigne (Long Synopsis)

Clark Ashton Smith

Long Synopses

The depredations of a fearsome beast, beginning near a ^Cistercian^ [Nestorian] monastery in the hills of Averoigne during a year of comets, meteors, and {. . . }. First p. of narrative is a deposition by one of the N. monks. It ends abruptly, through the death of the monk at the hands of this beast. Other people are slain by the monster; and finally the aid of the sorcerer is invoked against it. Through the skill of this sorcerer, the beast is tracked to the Nestorian monastery, is cornered in the cell of the abbot, and when a certain magic water is sprinkled upon it, is revealed as the abbot himself. Amid the horror of the beholders, the abbot flees to the wilderness. He is seen again in the form of the beast but is prevented from re-entering the monastery. After the passing of the comet, the depredations cease, and he is found dead in his own form.

^xxx^ xxx was added by Smith.
[xxx] xxx was deleted by Smith.

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Printed on: March 13, 2025