Djinn without A Bottle (Fragment)

Clark Ashton Smith

"Once upon a time, there was a young man named Harry Clabberhead who, though born in the second decade of the twentieth century, possessed nearly all the virtues of a character in a Victorian play. To be specific, for the enlightenment of readers unversed in Victorian fiction, he was not only honest, practical, and industrious, but also was chaste to a degree that any well trained psychoanalyst would have diagnosed as unwholesome if not impossible.

"This paragon of American Manhood, who never {... } and always stopped at the second drink, had been employed for five years in the capacity of dispatcher by a concern known as the Hercules Tow-Garage. At the end of the five years this perspicacious firm had properly rewarded his service by a slight raise in pay.

"It was Saturday night, and Clabberhead felt that the padded pay-envelope called for a discreet celebration."

^xxx^ xxx was added by Smith.
[xxx] xxx was deleted by Smith.

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Printed on: March 13, 2025