The Song of Aviol

Clark Ashton Smith

Past the flown horizon's wall
And the fight of any wind—
Where the sunken sunsets fall,
Lies the land that Love would find.

There, among the magic palms,
They that flee the mists of sorrow
Watch their woe on wingèd balms
Borne and lost ere any morrow.

There, in vales of deathless lote,
Love is made the Dream Eternal—
One with all the myrrhs that float
'Neath the halted sun hesternal.

Land that kings may not discover,
Deep within the mystic west !
Only lover comes with lover
Through the fens where dragons nest.

They that seek it, summer-hearted,
Must outwing the winter swallow—
Fu too far in realms uncharted
For the jealous gods to follow.

Past the flown horizon's wall
And the flight of any wind—
Where the sunken sunsets fall,
Lies the land that Love would find.

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Printed on: March 14, 2025