While the black perennial snows
Piled about the pole of night
Swell the fount whence Lethe flows;
While the worm, apart from light,
Eats the page where magians pored;
While the kraken, blind and white,
Guards the greening books abhorred
Where the evil oghams rust—
In accurst Atlantis stored;
While beneath the seal of dust
Dead mouths mutter not in sleep
To betray oblivion's trust;
While the dusky planets keep,
Past the outlands of the sun,
Circuits of a sunless deep,
Never shall the spell be done
And the curse be lifted never
That shall find and leave you one
With forgotten things for ever.
Printed from: eldritchdark.com./writings/poetry/319
Printed on: March 14, 2025