Letter to Clark Ashton Smith

From H. P. Lovecraft

169 Clinton St.,
Brooklyn, N.Y.

(c. Sept 1, 1925)

My dear Smith:-

....Most certainly, the abysses of interstellar space from your province par excellence, & I hope you will in time add a large body of cosmic literature - both in verse & prose - to that you have already evolved in this field. Your perspective & manner are, as far as I can see, absolutely unique; & I only wish your work could receive the attention from critiques & literary historians. I shall mention you very prominently in the article on weird literature which I am writing for W. Paul Cook's coming magazine.

I shall see that De Casseres - via Loveman - get an early view of your drawings, & hope he may have enough influence to bring them to the attention of some art authority of adequate standing. I don't know how exhibitions are managed, but fear its exceedingly difficult for a new artist to get a hearing.... Recognition seems to be largely a matter of chance, & the wise artists is he who permits his work to form its own reward - the joy of creation, & the senses of beauty nourished. I hope that some day you can arrange to come to N.Y.; for although the streets are not paved with either gold or recognition passports, there is certainly less active hostility to art than in other sections, & a much better chance of meeting those who are able to help though contacts with a reigning aesthetic powers....

Yr most oblig'd & obt. Servt.

Selected Letters (Arkham House) 193

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Printed on: March 14, 2025