Letter to Clark Ashton Smith

From H. P. Lovecraft

10 Barnes St.

Feby. 27, 1930

Dear Klarkash-Ton:—

And now let me thank you most profoundly & eloquently in advance for those bits of dinosaur bone which you mention as being tentatively en route! Nothing could be more appropriate to my tastes or more stimulative to my fancy! To think of having by me the mortal remains—in part—of a twenty-foot-high thing which lumbered about the primal Pacific morasses 50,000,000 years ago .... a thing which may have trod the vari-colour'd sands of Lemuria, & nosed amongst the fallen obelisks of the Elder Ones.....a beast on whose broad back Great Cthulhu himself may have ridden from his palace in blasphemou R'Iyeh! ........

Ever yr oblig'd & obt Servt

Selected Letters (Arkham House) 400

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Printed on: March 18, 2025