August 31, 1928
To Klarkash-Ton, High-Priest of Atlantis, All Hail!
I have managed to snatch the time to write one new tale—which is now in Dwyer's possession & which I shall ask him to forward to you for ultimate return to me. It covers 48 pages, so that Wright would probably classify it as a "novelette". I haven't yet submitted it to him. The title is The Dunwich Horror, & it belongs to the Arkharn cycle. The Necronomicon figures in it to some extent. Heaven only knows when I'll get the time to write another, for revision has struck me with full force again. . . .
Just now I am writing from the top of the same woodland cliff that Wandrei & I were on when we wrote you that joint letter last year-in the picturesque forest of Quinsnicket, some six miles north of Providence. I do as much as possible of my reading & writing in the open—for I am a natural-born rustic whose tastes run largely to green fields & venerable groves ..............
Yr obt Servt
Selected Letters (Arkham House) 332
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Printed on: March 14, 2025