Letter to Clark Ashton Smith

From H. P. Lovecraft

May 12, 1927

Dear C A S:—

Enclosed is The Colour Out of Space, which you can return at your convenience. It lacks compactness & climax, perhaps, but must be taken as an atmospheric study rather than as a tale. Cook has put all of my weird tale history into type for his magazine, so that you will perhaps see the printed version of at least the first part before you see the typed copy which the gang in N. Y. are about to forward to you. I'm not sure about how he means to arrange the instalments. I made some eleventh-hour inserts in the proofs which you won't find in the carbon—mainly regarding the forgotten early work of Robert W. Chambers (can you believe it?) who turned out some powerful bizarre stuff between 1895 & 1904 ..............

Yr most obt

Selected Letters (Arkham House) 271

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Printed on: March 14, 2025