A Hyperborean Glossary [A-F]

Laurence J. Cornford


SG & DA, "The Source of Uncleanness". A huge pool of grey matter that spawns monsters from its depths, just as Ubbo-Sathla spawns life. It dwells in a cave under Mount Voormithadreth, in a realm called "grey-litten Y'qaa" (or Y'quaa), that could be part of N'kai or a similar subterranean realm (Krannoria for example) and is accessible through tunnels in Mount Voormithadreth. Claimed to be the firstborn offspring of Ubbo-Sathla and the progenitor of Atlach-Nacha, it may also be related to Tsathoggua (q.v.). Some texts claim that it is the name by which the Hyperboreans vilified Ubbo-Sathla (although both are Hyperborean names), or linked with Shub-Niggurath due to its fruitfulness. Also called Abhoth the Dark and Abhoth the Unclean. [C.A.Smith; C.Wilson; L.Carter; G.Myers; R.M.Price]

A town in SA, it was abandoned after the making of the Sphinx and the terror which followed. [L.Cornford (L.Carter)]

In LP, a dreaded volcanic mountain which lies in the realm of Tscho Vulpanomi in the southern main. [L.Carter (Smith)]

In TSZ, the adamantine box of Acromi is said to contain the medallions of an early dynasty of Hyperborean kings. By implication it could be the name of one such king. [C.A.Smith]

"The God of Time", an obscure avatar of Yog-Sothoth (q.v.), he allows creatures to alter past and future times. He is worshipped in several worlds. He is said to dwell on the moon of Occlat. Strictly speaking he is not explicitly Hyperborean, but his time travel properties make his worship likely. [S.D.Aniolowski (C.A.Smith)]

In CWW & LP, a sea-affronted town in a valley on the western coast of Mhu Thulan famous for its orchards & garths. It was blasted by Aphoom Zhar. [C.A.Smith; L.Carter]

In LP, an old servant woman of Pharazyn in his house in Zabdamar. She was frozen to death by the light from the pole. [L.Carter (C.A.Smith)]

1) The race who lived on the planet Mars and worshipped Vulthoom (q.v.). They built fabulous cities such as Ignarh-Vath. They have been called vegetable in nature. 2) The planet itself may be called Aihai too. [L.Carter (C.A.S.); L.Cornford]

In GD, Aimoth the Acolyte is the disciple of Nabulus. He broke his vow of chastity with Akhamot but suffered an unpleasent doom. [R.M.Price]

In GD, a broze statue in which the spirit archetype of womanhood dwelt after being summoned by Nabulus the Wonder-Worker. Her natural female nature attracted the attention of Nabulus' students. desulting in tradgedy. [R.M.Price]

In AF, A word of indeterminate meaning used in relation to a number of secret arts. Aklo chants, Aklo Formulæ, Aklo Rituals and Aklo Writings, the Aklo Book, Aklo Inscriptions and Aklo Sabaoths are all known of. Something is spoken of as just "the Aklo". The 49th Aklo is connected with the Great Awakening. One source claims that Aklo is the written language of the serpent people (q.v.). [L.Carter (A.Machen; H.P.Lovecraft); Chaosium; etc.]

In LE, the disciple of Cyron of Varaad. He was entrusted with the manuscripts which became the Book of Eibon. [L.Carter]

In WH, a golden-haired maiden of Uzuldaroum, the cousin of Prince Trinius D'vor (therefore a noble woman), and lover of the warlock Izzamandiuth. She was kidnapped by nyarlathotep as a sacrifice. [J.R Fultz/J.Burns]

In ALK & UA, an all-consuming acid used by alchemists and sorcerers. It was invented by Enoycla. [L.Carter (folklore); L.Cornford]

Alu Kuthos:
In CCF & SSG, one-time trooper, now apprentice thief and partner of Satampra Zieros. The two had a number of notable adventures together. [J.Ambuehl]

In LE, the Empress of Hyperborea. She reigned after Pharnavootra. [Carter (Smith)]

Animals in Hyperborea include: elks (CWW, etc.), bears (CWW), mammoth (CWW), tree-snakes & vipers (TSZ), cats (TSZ), eagles & hawks (WS), horses & musk-oxen (ID), donkeys (WH), black foxes (ID & UT), squid (LE), hares (ID), shaggy cattle (WH), fish in general (CWW & LP), sabre-toothed tigers, great sloths, vampire-bats (all in SG), white walruses (WH), moths (TSZ), and various types of fowl (CWW & TSZ) including eider ducks (ID) and pheasants (WH & FL). Blue-furred wolves exist in Hyperborea (WH). More exotic animals include: the ravening, scythe-clawed catobleps (SM, FS, UA), the huusim-bird (WS & SM), the Voor (SP), the furtive Jeelo (SP & FFB), the lizard-tailed and sooty feathered night-flying species of archaepteryx (SG) and giant jungle-spiders (WAW), basilisks and wyverns (UA), the giant snow snake (UT). Swine, dinosaurs (in general) and dogs are also hinted at (SG). The antehumans and serpent people, whilst being animals in the broadest sense, are rather more sentient and cultured (as were the Voor, and Voormis once). [C.A.Smith; L.Carter; L.J.Cornford]

Antanôk (planet):
In HU, a long since destroyed planet which was situated between Mars and Jupiter. Its remains form the Asteroid Belt. Before it's destruction there was a little intercourse between Earth & Antanôk, and certain authorities suggest that mankind as we now know it is descended from Antanôkian colonists. Note a similar planet called Yllednis appears in Colin Wilson's novel The Star Vampires, and logic suggests it is the same world. Also called Antanoth (q.v.). [C.A.Smith]

Antanoth (planet):
A variant spelling of Antanôk (q.v.).. It appears in one of Smith's letters, although the other spelling is more common, suggesting a misreading. [misreading (?) C.A.Smith]

1) a cone-shaped mountain in the Antarctic, in which Groth-golka, a bird god, is supposed to sleep; 2) Pale flightless birds, apparently related to penguins (sometimes called "giant albino penguins"), who mimic the cries of the Primordial Ones (q.v.). They are so named because they nest near Mount Antarktos. [H.P.Lovecraft (E.A.Poe); L.Carter]

The name given to the humanoid elder race which existed prior to the Hominids. The inhabitants of Ultima Thule. One of the few named antehumans is the sorcerer Haon-Dor who dwelt under Mount Voormithadreth (q.v.). They are taller and thinner than average humans. In Middle Eastern folklore the genies, giants and affrits are considered antehumans. [C.A.Smith; etc.]

In WS & UA, a magical isle with which the Hyperboreans traded in their magic propelled vessels. Barbaric shamen perserve ancient rit Other stories (e.g. Conan of the Isles) mention it as an Atlantean outpost. Quite probably this is America. [C.A.Smith; L.Carter]

In TA, a type of wood. [C.A.Smith]

In AF, an all-wise Elder Brother of the monastic Pnakotic Brotherhood who engraved secrets on tablets of lagh-metal. [L.Carter]

Aphoom Zhah:
In LP & AF, "The Cold Flame," a fearsome being that haunts the bowels of Mount Yaanek, having travelled to Earth from Neptune (Yaksh). The offspring of Cthugha (although texts are not clear on this point). It is physically a ball of grey flame. Much data on it is contained in the Pnakotic Manuscripts where it is attributed as the progenitor of Rhan-Tegoth and the Gnophkehs. Possibly a facet of Zhar? [L.Carter]

A variant spelling of Aphoom Zhah (q.v.). [L.Cornford]

In DR, an antehuman kingdom of vague nature. Arkya is a land of magicians. It may be the founding place of the Dirka Priests and of the Song of Yste. [L.J.Cornford (R.A.W.Lowndes)]

In TA, the chief headsman of Uzuldaroum and once of Commoriom and son of Manghai Thal. It was his repeated beheadings of Knygathin Zhaum which lead to the abandonment. [C.A.Smith]

In AF, the acolyte of the Pnakotic Brotherhood who forefills the prophesy of Lith and frees Aphoom Zhah to the destruction of Hyperborea. [L.Carter]

In IVP, a "wizard's sword", which is to say a magical sword used in the performing of rites rather than as a weapon. The Scimitar of Nothvair is another example of such a weapon (FFB). [L.Carter; L.J.Cornford]

In SG & DA, "The Spider God". Superficially resembles a giant hairy spider with a hideous, vaguely human face. He came from Saturn with Tsathoggua. He dwells underground (in Mount Voormithadreth) and spends his æons spinning a weird web. It kills its victims by puncturing them with thousands of spins and sucking out their juices. Said to be the Spawn of Abhoth and is served by the "Grey Weavers". [C.A.Smith; B.Lumley; L.Carter]

Atlach-Nacha, The Papyrus of:
In OT, a ritual text containg rites to the dead. It features the "cocooning" of a dead body so it can undergo "rebirth". [LJ.Cornford/R.M.Price]

In TA & IA, the empire in the Atlantic Ocean, which paid tribute to Hyperborean. It lies slightly north west of Africa. Noted for its sorceries and the living metal - orichalc. It was contemporary with both Hyperborea and Valusia. Originally (c.100,000 B.C.) it was a barbarian land, but in time Atlantis was divided into several kingdoms ruled by the Witch-Kings. As time passed the land sank until, during the Great Cataclysm (c.25,000 B.C) its last islands (Poseidonis) disappeared and its few survivors fled either to Thuria or to Antillia (America). Several of its colonies survived, like Bal-Sagoth (into the 12th century) and Negari (into the 16th century). Several Old Ones were worshipped in Atlantis including Dagon, Iod, Bugg-Shash (as "The Night-Thing"), Gol-goroth, and Ghatanothoa. [C.A.Smith (folklore); H.P.Lovecraft; R.E.Howard; etc.]

In SC, a necromancer whose ghoulish corpse ravaged the land of Uthnor in the Year of the Crimson Spider. [L.Carter (C.A.Smith)]

Avoosl Wuthoqquan:
WAW, a greedy merchant who was lead to his doom. [C.A.Smith]

In FTG, "The Dæmon-Sultan," "The Lord of All Things" and "The Bubbler at the Hub". A blind, mindless, amorphous, star-sized mass attended by Other Gods, including Nyarlathotep (the Soul of Azathoth). Sometimes called Azathoth-Ubbo-Sathla in His rôle as the Progenitor of the Universe (referred to as "the Prime Archetype") when he unconsciously created the Universe. Azathoth and Ubbo-Sathla divided like a single-celled animal into two "equal" entities. Azathoth was cast down by the Elder Gods when they discovered that they could not control His madness. His name (particularly his Other Name in his "bivalvular shape", N----------- or Xada-Hgla,) is dangerous to utter, and His insane mutterings create the laws of time and space. He has been called a personification of the Big Bang due to his title "Nuclear Chaos". [C.A.Smith (H.P.Lovecraft); etc.]


In SA, a village near Tscho Vulpanomi, which was threatened by lava until Hormagor turned it aside with magic. [L.J.Cornford] Balok of Altuas:
In WH, a sorcerer of the ancient land of Altuas who summoned Byagoona (Nyarlathotep). He is mentioned in passing, but is not a Hyperborean figure as such. [J.R.Fultz/J.Burns (J.Ambuehl)]

In WH, a youth from Merba on a quest to find the "Oracle of the Mountains", accompaned by Zojin & Haar. He was killed while fighting fish-men creatures (Deep Ones). [J.R.Fultz/J.Burns]

In TZ, the fine featured son of Xeelan. He pursued his father's profession of torturer, even to the torture of his brother Hanstead. Like is father he can talk with the dead. He had a secret (I wont spoil the story). [I.Davey]

In CCF, a soldier in the army of an unnamed Hyperborean king. [J.Ambuehl]

"Black Tiger, The Year of the":
In LE, the year in which Eibon disappeared. [L.Carter]

Black Tablets of R'lyeh:
In SSG, the set of manuscripts copied from tablets, said to have come from R'lyeh. In later ages this text will become known as The R'lyeh Text. [J.Ambuehl (A.W.Derleth)]

Book of Night, The:
In ABN, a sorcerous book, also known as the Noctuary of Vizooranos, which was discovered and lost again by Eibon. It was called "The book of Night" because the secrets it held could only be written down in the dark of night. Note: The Ghorl Nigäl is also known as "The Book of Night". [L.Cater (C.A.Smith); R.M.Price]

Book of Yog-Sothoth:
In WH, a book of ritualistic verse. [J.R.Fultz/J.Burns]

Burrowers Beneath, The:
1) A chapter of the Book of Eibon is called "The Burrower Beneath"; 2) A rough translation of the chapter was made by Robert Blake and published under this title. It can be found in The Stairs in the Crypt and Others; 3) The name was also adopted for a memoir of Henri-Laurent De Marginy. [H.P.L.; L.Carter; B.Lumley]

In SA, "The Faceless One" & "The Black Sphinx of Abormis". A mythical being mentioned in a secret parable. Before Nyarlathotep (q.v.) was known by that name he was referred to obliquely as Byagoona or Sotho. [R.Bloch; L.Cornford; J.Ambuehl]

In AF, a strange interstellar race who are servants of Xastur (Hastur). They are used as steeds by members of some cults, including the Pnakotic Brotherhood, despite their unnerving appearance. They communicate by wolf-like howls. [L.Carter (A.W.Derleth/H.P.Lovecraft?)]

Byd Praenos:
In CCF, a noted Hyperborean sorcerer and author of the Chronicles of Cron'drof. [J.Ambuehl]


Camla-Zaon, The Peak of:
In WH, a mountain in Mhu Thulan on which Jasu'un has religous experiences. Probably part of the Zabdamar range. [J.R.Fultz/J.Burns]

In SC, a town containing an abbey to the worship of Shimba. In was attacked by the lich Avalzaunt. [L.Carter (C.A.Smith?)]

In WH, a northerly flower-girdled sea-port in Mhu Thulan, on the eastern shore of the Hyperborean Sea, said to be the "jewel of the north". It features shell-shaped domed buildings among which is the golden Temple of the Seven Gods, and griffon-carved wharves. It was blasted by Rlim Shaikorth. North of Cerngoth lie the bleak mountains of Zabdamar leading to Polarion. In time the great glacier of Polarion covered Cerngoth utterly. [C.A.Smith; J.R.Fultz/J.Burns]

Cerngothic Dynasty:
In LE, the last Dynasty of Hyperborea, following the end of the Uzuldaroum Dynasty. It was so named because the line was based on a branch of the royal family who originated in Cerngoth, although that city had probably already succumb to the Great Ice by the time of Zorquus achieved the throne. The line ran: Zorquus, Pharapha (23 years), Thaarapion, and finally Rhastazoul (16 years). [L.Carter]

Chag Ylum:
In WH, a legendary warrior of the Ligion of the Black Falcon. He accompained Izzamandiuth on his quest. [J.R.Fultz/J.Burns]

In LP & LE, the Emperor of Hyperborea after Amphyrene. The Year of the Green Spider happens early in his reign. [L.Carter (C.A.Smith)]

In LE, the "Demon of Time". A god or spirit. Possibly the Hyperborean version of Quachil Uttaus but more likely Aformagon. [L.Carter (C.A.Smith)]

An alternative spelling of the name Zishaik (Shathak) the wife of Tsathoggua. It appears to be used in "darker and more obscure [archives] than those of Pnom". [C.A.Smith]

Chronicles of Cron'drof:
In CCF, a magical chronicle written by the ancient Hyperborean sorcerer Byd Praenos. [J.Ambuehl]

Cinartrel Sea:
In SSG, a sea north west of Hyperborea in which the Isle of Ta-Shon once lay. [J.Ambuehl]

City of Archives:
In PDW, the City of the Great Race of Yith. Also known as Pnakotis. [L.Carter (H.P.Lovecraft?)]

In SG, the name used for a citizen of Commoriom. [C.A.Smith]

In TA, TSZ, etc., the high built capital of Hyperborea. A white city of numberless spires of marble and granite. It was the most powerful city of its age gaining tributes from Atlantis, Mu, Tscho Vulpanomi, and Mhu Thulan. It was overrun by the formless spawn of Knygathin Zhaum during the reign of Loquamethros, and subsequently inhabited by the Formless Spawn of Tsathoggua. South of Commoriom are marsh-grow jungles filled with mailed monsters. [C.A.Smith]

Cold Ones:
In AF, the name used for ice-spirits who are believed to be the servants of Rlim Shaikorth. Also known as Ylidheem. [L.Carter]

In FS, LP, etc. A number of constellations specific to the Hyperboreans are mentioned: The Basilisk (LP); The Mantichora (FS);. [L.Carter]

Cornak Sphm:
In "The Pirrak" this Hyperborean sorcerer is listed alongside Haon-Dor, Pnom and Eifon [Eibon]. [W.C.Keel/A.Gullette]

"Crimson Spider, The Year of the":
In SC, a year during the reign of King Phariol. [L.Carter]

In DT, a mouthless intelligent white mould who dwelt on an otherwise uninhabited world in orbit of the dim star Klr (q.v.). He is regarded as one of the most powerful "mundane" (i.e. not divine) magicians in the universe. During the Hyperborean Era it swapped its mind with the serpent-man sorcerer Zloigm, according to the Book of Eibon. Presumably he died in Zloigm's body as Zloigm's soul only returns to Earth in UA? [L.Carter/C.A.Smith]

In PDW & AF, "The Burning One". The fire god of the mythology said to live near the star Fomalhaut ("The Mouth of the Fish"). Connected with Fthagghua (q.v.) and the Fire Vampires or Flame Creatures. The father of Aphoom Zhah, although some text declare Aphoom Zhah to be Cthugha's father! Sometimes spelt "Cthuga" and also called "Kuth-huga". [L.Carter (A.W.Derleth)]

In PDW & WH, a Great Old One who slumbers in R'lyeh. The spelling "Kthulhut" is used more commonly in Hyperborea and favoured by me. [L.Carter (H.P.Lovecraft); J.R.Fultz/J.Burns]

Cunambria, Queen:
In DS, TSZ, LE, the Queen of Hyperborea (as opposed to Empress) and the sister of Vardanax. The last of the Uzuldarines. Her nephew, Zorquus, followed her to the throne. She ruled for at least 15 years, and passed away during the Year of the Black Tiger. [C.A.Smith; L.Carter]

The androgynous spawn of Azathoth, the "uncle" of Cthulhu and the "grandfather" of Tsathoggua. It spawned Hziulquoigmnzhah and Ghizghuth in a far system before moving to Yuggoth with its "family". Still resident on Yuggoth. It has cannibalistic appetites that cause it to be shunned, even by the Old Ones. It appeared for a long time like Cxaxukluth had (either directly or indirectly) spawned Cthulhu on the planet Vhoorl (q.v.), however an obscure text elucidates us: a god called Ptmâk is the direct father of Cthulhu, and thus "brother" (and missing twin) to Cxaxukluth, making Ptmâk and Cxaxukluth the Hyperborean names for Nug and Yeb. Cxaxukluth is probably Yeb. [C.A.Smith; L.J.Cornford (L.Carter)]

In DS & UA, etc., the name by which Saturn was known in Hyperborea. [C.A.Smith]

In LE, a magician born in Varaad. In the year of the Green Spider Cyron (20 years old) became apprenticed to Eibon (/articles/criticism/65 years old). Cyron was aged 87 when Eibon disappeared, having left his tutelage some years earlier. Cyron died only ?? years later. [L.Carter]


Deb'r-Shen, The Jewel of:
In SSG, a jewel stolen by Satampra Zeiros. [J.Ambuehl]

Deep Dendo:
In SP, the name given to a subterranean realm under Thule (q.v.) in which Voorish Domes are found. [L.Carter (A.Machen)]

Desert Without A Name:
In WH, also known as the "nameless desert" — a land in the south eastern corner of Mhu Thulan, with one edge against the Mountains of Nephtarya. Said to lie between Hyperborea and Mu! The desert seems to behave oddly, possibly due to the influence of Nyarlathotep, whose Dark Citadel seems to lie in some dimensional rift within this desert. [J.R.Fultz/J.Burns]

Dirka Song:
In SP, this is mentioned in the Testament of Haon-Dor and refers to the Song of Yste, which suggests that Arkya is antehuman also, possibly even part of Thule? [L.Carter (R.A.W.Lowndes)]

In WAW, a type of money, a silver coin of greater in value than pazoors. [C.A.Smith]

In TA, a type of food - nutritious vilads. They appear to produce stomach upsets if eaten in large quantities. [C.A.Smith]

D'Vor, Prince:
See Trinius D'Vor. [J.R.Fultz/J.Burns]


In DS, etc., Eibon of Mhu Thulan was the mightiest of the sorcerers of Hyperborea and a worshipper of Tsathoggua. He was born in the year of Commoriom's fall, and aged 12 Eibon's family were persecuted into the wilderness. At 10 years he became apprenticed to Zylac and remained into adulthood, before wandering the continent. After a unnaturally long and eventful life (some 132 years) he was persecuted until be fled to Cykranosh (Saturn), 100 years before Hyperborea succumbed to the great Ice Age. After this his disciple, Cyron of Varaad, compiled the Book of Eibon from his notes. He life is detailed in the Vita Ivonis ("The Life of Eibon"), also by Cyron of Varaad. The name "Eibon" appears to have been derived by one of the translators from the heretical Christian sect, the Eibonites, and does indeed appear as a personal name (the "E" of T.E.D.Klien's name stands for Eibon). [C.A.Smith; L.Carter; L.Cornford]

Eibon, Book of:
The magical book of Eibon of Mhu Thulan. The book was passed down by secret cults to the present day. Never printed until the 20th century, there are many editions which vary widely. Editions include: the Kishite Version; The Punic (1600 B.C.); The Greek Edition; The Latin Liber Ivonis (10th-11th century); Livre d'Ivon (13th century); and the only printed version, the Adkins and Jones edition of the Latin text (A.D.1937). A key text in the Tsathogguan Cycle (q.v.). [C.A.S.; L.Carter; L.Cornford]

Eibur Tsanth:
In ID, a jeweler. [C.A.Smith]

In TA, a hard wood used to manufacture things like chopping blocks. [C.A.Smith]

Eiglophian Mountains:
TA, SG, etc., a frightful central mountain range of black, glassy-walled mountains, riddled with tunnels. The four-coned mountain Voormithadreth lies at the centre of this range. One prong runs south, one prong East, dissecting the continent. [C.A.Smith; L.Carter; L.J.Cornford]

Elder Beings:
IN PDW, a name for the star-headed crinoid beings otherwise called Polar Ones or Old Ones in Hyperborean texts [L.Carter (C.A.Smith/H.P.Lovecraft)]

Elder Gods, The:
1) A group of gods generally opposed to the Other Gods and the "villains" of the Mythos. They dwell in Glyu-Vho, but originate in "the Great Abyss". According to legend they tried to control the insanity of the Other Gods by making them sentient, but the Other Gods resented being controlled, and rebelled against the tyranny and oppressive laws, travelling out of that dimension into the universe of Azathoth's creation. Angered by having no-one to rule, the Elder Gods pursued them, and finding them running amok through this universe they imprisoned them in a death-like sleep, and sealed them with spells (according to their followers). After this they appear to have lost interest in the Earth. Their worshippers (called "Reformists" by Robert Price) believe them to be the creators of the Great Old Ones. A breakaway faction, the "Redemptionists," believe the Elder Gods placed the Great Old Ones in a kind of purgatory. Strangely the Confessions of the Mad Monk Clithanus calls the Elder Gods "the Old Ones"! Few Elder Gods are named: Nodens, Kthanid, Yagkoolan, Bast, Vorvardoss, and possibly Yad-Thaddag S Rebathoth. They are served by the Star-Warriors of Orion and the Nightgaunts and have agents such as S'ngac; 2) The name is also applied more generally to any of the ancient gods. [A.W.Derleth (H.P.L.); L.Carter; etc.]

In ALK, the Alchemist who invented the Alkahest. He was attacked by the demon Rrhar'il but defeated it. [L.Cornford (L.Carter)]

In DA, the leader of the Tcho-Tcho people. It sometimes dwells in the Cavern of Prototypes under Mount Voormithadreth. [L.Carter (A.W.Derleth/M.Schorer)]

In OT, the only son of Yhok-Omi and Zophonilsa. He held a grudge at his father and sought to destroy him. The name also appears as the title of an article by Vernon Lee. [L.Cornford]

The Warlock who became the main subject of Rlim Shaikorth's assault on Hyperborea, and eventual slayer of the Worm in CWW. [C.A.Smith]

In SG, the hermit sorcerer who dwelt in mount Voormithadreth. [C.A.Smith]


Feaster from the Stars:
In FS, 1) the name of a chapter of the Book of Eibon; 2) One name by which Zvilpogghua is called. [L.Carter (C.A.Smith/H.P.Lovecraft)]

In WH, a servant-boy of the palace of Uzuldaroum. He was about 12 years old. [J.R.Fultz/J.Burns]

In SSG, the daughter of Ruul-Vash. She was romanced by Alu Kuthos. [J.Ambuehl]

Five, Brotherhood of the:
In ALK, a society of sorcerers who opposed Verdhis the Black and sought to dispose of Enoycla. Two members of the order are known: Yydway and Ghottrum Vispal. [A.Bennison; L.J.Cornford]

Flames of Ziridiaz, The:
In WH, a magical spell, which causes a sphere of flames to surround the caster. [J.R.Fultz/J.Burns]

Formless Spawn of Tsathoggua:
Living black blobs occasionally assuming toad-like forms and possibly hooves and bat-wings. They dwell in N'kai and Yoth. Sfatlicllp, Zvilpogghua and to a lesser extent the Voormis are related to them. A branch of Formless Spawn were created by the half-breed Voormi Knygathin Zhaum when the strain of multiple decapitations caused him to revert to his Azathothian characteristics and overrun Commoriom (q.v.). His fissional spawn possessed no vestige of anything human or even Earthly. These might be the "toad-things" from which the Pirrak evolved. [C.A.Smith; H.P.L./Z.Bishop; Chaosium]

Foum wine:
In TA, a kind of wine, probably fermented from the foum berry (?). [C.A.Smith]

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Printed on: March 14, 2025