CAS Plaque Dedication Video
Boyd Pearson
Currently unavailable
Now available on DVD
On January 11, 2003 there was a ceremony dedicating a plaque and boulder in honour of Clark Ashton Smith. The boulder was the one which Smith ashes were interred under upon his death and was endangered by land development. The ceremony took place in Bicentennial park and afterwards there was a conference in the near by Library. The entire proceedings (two and a half hours) were filmed by Henry J. Vester III and have been transferred on to a two CD-ROM set by Boyd Pearson.
CD Samples

How to acquire the CD-ROM set or DVD
- DVD 1 dvd 2:35, with menu and chapters
- CD Set:The files (two per disk) are MPEG1 on CD-R's. All but the oldest CD-ROM drives should be able to play them. Any Windows 95+ pc comes with the software needed to play these. A printed copy of the table of contents is also included.
- Price - Donation of US$15 (includes postage). Profit goes to site related costs.
Contents of the two CD-ROM set
DVD same content different format.
Disk 1
Track 1 (cas-plaque-001-001.mpg) 39:00
- Henry J. Vester III introduction
- View of Centennial Park surrounds
- Plaque shown and read
- Ron S Hilger starts Plaque dedication ceremony
- Dirt from boulder original position spread
- Wine pouring
- Toast
- Donald Sidney-Fryer reads letter from Philippe Gindre
- Post ceremony
- Town chat post lunch
- Restaurant look
- Conference starts. Auburn-Placer County Library Beecher Room
- Ron S Hilger MC
- James Patterson intro remarks
- James Patterson Reads Robert B Elder's memoirs of CAS
Track 2 (cas-plaque-001-002.mpg) 38:59
- Cont' James Patterson Reads Robert B Elder's memoirs of CAS
- Scott Connors reading from his intro to Selected Letters
- Ron S Hilger - previous plaque wording
- A Look at the table featuring some of CAS's works
- Dennis Rickard gives personal view of CAS
- Donald Sidney-Fryer speaks on European publishers
Disk 2
Track 1 (cas-plaque-002-001.mpg) 45:26
Track 2 (cas-plaque-002-002.mpg) 33:04
- Cont' HJV reads The Great God Awto
- HJV reads The Shadows
- Ron S Hilger MC
- Gene Scott reminiscences
- Bob Elder reminiscences
- Glyneth Cassidy reminiscences
- Gene Scott reminiscences
- Ron S Hilger closes the program