Biographical Pieces on Clark Ashton Smith

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Francis T Laney

“Excerpt from Chapter Four of Ah, Sweet IdiocyI had a definite date to meet Bob Hoffman and go meet Clark Ashton Smith on November 1… �? (6 January)


Douglas Robillard

“During The 1930's, Clark Ashton Smith was one of the most important writers of fantasy fiction appearing in the pulp magazines. With Robert E. Howard… �? (1 April)


Contemporary Authors Online

“Clark Ashton Smith is recognized by many critics of fantasy and science fiction as one of the foremost authors in the genre known as "weird… �? (1 July)

St. James Guide to Fantasy Writers

“The stories that Clark Ashton Smith produced during his one brief phase of hectic productivity, which extended from 1929 to 1934, constitute one of the… �? (1 July)

Larry Fischer

“Dr W.C. Farmer was Smith's last great friend. In this interview conducted by email he discusses Smith's work and recalls the talks they had about… �? (1 May)

Ron Breznay

“Clark Ashton SmithClark Ashton Smith was a noted writer of weird fiction and one of a triumvirate who dominated the magazine WEIRD TALES in the… �? (1 March)


Allan Gullette

“Bow down: I am the emperor of dreams;I crown me with the million-colored sunOf secret worlds incredible, and takeTheir trailing skies for vestment when I… �? (1 December)

E. Hoffman Price

“The rutted wagon-track became worse as I tooled my way around a bend and shifted to low to pick the best way among the rocks… �? (1 February)


Bruno Aliotta

“1. Cenni bio-bibliograficiClark Ashton Smith nacque il 13 Gennaio 1893 a Long Valley in California e morì nel sonno a causa di un infarto, il… �? (1 September)

Derrick M. Hussey

“"Clark Ashton Smith (1893-1961) is best known today as a contributor of fantastic tales of horror to Weird Tales in the 1930s. In his teens,… �? (1 June)

Gus Thomson

“At face value, it's just a large basaltic boulder - a lichen-encrusted rock standing between a pair of oak trees in an Old Town Auburn… �? (1 February)

Lin Carter

“ Never on land or by sea will you findthe marvelous road to the feast of the Hyperborea-PINDAR To the ancient Greeks, the fabled land… �? (1 February)

Lin Carter

“I pass... but in this lone and crumbling tower,Builded against the burrowing seas of change,My volumes and my philters shall abide...*When we of the… �? (1 February)


Hal Rubin

“1 FLAMINGOESOn skies of tropic evening, broad and beryl-green,Above a tranquil sea of molten malachite,With flare of scarlet wings, in long and level flight,The… �? (1 December)

Avram Davidson

“The work of dedicated people in preparing a work such as this one is fully justifies the original and (as far as I am concerned)… �? (1 April)

Stanton A. Coblentz

“It gives me much pleasure to learn of the forthcoming publication of the Clark Ashton Smith bibliography, and I hasten to wish you and the… �? (1 April)

Ray Bradbury

“Trying to add up the impact of an author's life, his impress on others, is very difficult. One reaches back for memories, and my memory… �? (1 April)

August Derleth

“Good luck with your projected bibliography of Clark Ashton Smith! I think it very much worthwhile, and it is entirely likely that scholars of some… �? (1 April)

Rah Hoffman

“Your announcement that the Smith bibliography will at last appear is welcome news indeed. I remember glancing at the manuscript a couple of years ago… �? (1 April)

Sam Moskowitz

“The news that you are going to produce the definitive bibliography of Clark Ashton Smith, assembled by Donald Sidney-Fryer, prompts this letter. I can think… �? (1 April)

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