Francis T Laney
“Excerpt from Chapter Four of Ah, Sweet IdiocyI had a definite date to meet Bob Hoffman and go meet Clark Ashton Smith on November 1… �? (6 January)
Douglas Robillard
“During The 1930's, Clark Ashton Smith was one of the most important writers of fantasy fiction appearing in the pulp magazines. With Robert E. Howard… �? (1 April)
Contemporary Authors Online
“Clark Ashton Smith is recognized by many critics of fantasy and science fiction as one of the foremost authors in the genre known as "weird… �? (1 July)
St. James Guide to Fantasy Writers
“The stories that Clark Ashton Smith produced during his one brief phase of hectic productivity, which extended from 1929 to 1934, constitute one of the… �? (1 July)
Master CAS: Clark Ashton Smith Remembered
Larry Fischer
“Dr W.C. Farmer was Smith's last great friend. In this interview conducted by email he discusses Smith's work and recalls the talks they had about… �? (1 May)
Ron Breznay
“Clark Ashton SmithClark Ashton Smith was a noted writer of weird fiction and one of a triumvirate who dominated the magazine WEIRD TALES in the… �? (1 March)
Allan Gullette
“Bow down: I am the emperor of dreams;I crown me with the million-colored sunOf secret worlds incredible, and takeTheir trailing skies for vestment when I… �? (1 December)
E. Hoffman Price
“The rutted wagon-track became worse as I tooled my way around a bend and shifted to low to pick the best way among the rocks… �? (1 February)
La Penna Multicolore di - Clark Ashton Smith
Bruno Aliotta
“1. Cenni bio-bibliograficiClark Ashton Smith nacque il 13 Gennaio 1893 a Long Valley in California e morì nel sonno a causa di un infarto, il… �? (1 September)
Clark Ashton Smith and The Bohemian Club
Derrick M. Hussey
“"Clark Ashton Smith (1893-1961) is best known today as a contributor of fantastic tales of horror to Weird Tales in the 1930s. In his teens,… �? (1 June)
Auburn writer gets hometown memorial
Gus Thomson
“At face value, it's just a large basaltic boulder - a lichen-encrusted rock standing between a pair of oak trees in an Old Town Auburn… �? (1 February)
Lin Carter
“ Never on land or by sea will you findthe marvelous road to the feast of the Hyperborea-PINDAR To the ancient Greeks, the fabled land… �? (1 February)
Lin Carter
“I pass... but in this lone and crumbling tower,Builded against the burrowing seas of change,My volumes and my philters shall abide...*When we of the… �? (1 February)
Clark Ashton Smith - Ill-fated Master of Fantasy
Hal Rubin
“1 FLAMINGOESOn skies of tropic evening, broad and beryl-green,Above a tranquil sea of molten malachite,With flare of scarlet wings, in long and level flight,The… �? (1 December)
Avram Davidson
“The work of dedicated people in preparing a work such as this one is fully justifies the original and (as far as I am concerned)… �? (1 April)
Stanton A. Coblentz
“It gives me much pleasure to learn of the forthcoming publication of the Clark Ashton Smith bibliography, and I hasten to wish you and the… �? (1 April)
Ray Bradbury
“Trying to add up the impact of an author's life, his impress on others, is very difficult. One reaches back for memories, and my memory… �? (1 April)
August Derleth
“Good luck with your projected bibliography of Clark Ashton Smith! I think it very much worthwhile, and it is entirely likely that scholars of some… �? (1 April)
Rah Hoffman
“Your announcement that the Smith bibliography will at last appear is welcome news indeed. I remember glancing at the manuscript a couple of years ago… �? (1 April)
Sam Moskowitz
“The news that you are going to produce the definitive bibliography of Clark Ashton Smith, assembled by Donald Sidney-Fryer, prompts this letter. I can think… �? (1 April)